

Party Building Leadership] Xinsong Medical Party Branch carries out the theme party day activity of "Labor is most glorious, Party members are taking action" on labor education.

News Center 1709

 On June 3, 2024, the party branch of Xinsong Medical organized the theme party day activity of "Labor is the most glorious, Party members are in action", which aimed to improve the party spirit, environmental protection consciousness and service consciousness of the party members, and the activists of the party branch also actively participated in this activity.

During the activity, party members and activists, totaling 21 people, were divided into four groups to clean up white trash, dead branches and weeds in different areas inside and outside the company's plant. In the hot summer, the sun is hot, but the comrades involved in the activities are enthusiastic, give full play to the spirit of not being afraid of dirty, not afraid of hard work, not afraid of tiredness, the company park on the lawn, the road on the garbage "carpet" investigation, in the concerted efforts of the company park inside and outside the environment has become more neat and clean.

Picking up is garbage, advocating is civilization. In this activity, the party members not only beautified the working and living environment with their hands, raised the awareness of environmental protection and practiced the concept of ecological civilization, but also strengthened the personal quality and cultivation of the party members, and enhanced the service consciousness of the party members. The party members actively play a leading role in demonstrating the concept of party building and promoting operation, and make greater contribution to the grand goal of "building a world-class factory" of Xinsong Medical.

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