


News Center 4395









▲ 征集隱患排查及整改意見表單57份

▲ 黃勇總經(jīng)理與“隱患大排查”活動獲獎員工合影


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  • 【結對共建】傳承紅色基因 追溯光輝黨史——參觀中共滿洲省委舊址紀念館主題教育活動


    In order to further accept the red education, remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, and recall the great story of the party history, on the afternoon of March 15, 2024, all the party members and cadres of the party branch of Xinsong Medical and the party branch of Huatai Securities went to the Memorial Hall at the former site of the CPC Manchurian Provincial Party Committee to carry out the thematic educational activities of "Inheriting the red gene, tracing the glorious history of the party". Led by the interpreter, all of them went to the former site of CPC Manchurian Provincial Committee to carry out the theme education activity of "Inheriting the red gene and tracing the glorious party history"...

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  • 聚焦第88屆CMEF,新松醫(yī)療用科技創(chuàng)造健康生活


    The 88th China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF), with the theme of "Innovative Technology, Smart Leader of the Future", was held at the Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center on October 28-31, which is regarded as the "wind vane" of the global healthcare and focused on displaying the world's cutting-edge medical equipment technology and innovative products. CMEF is known as the "wind vane" of global healthcare and focuses on showcasing the world's cutting-edge medical device technologies and innovative products. This year's CMEF attracted 4,000 brand-name enterprises from more than 20 countries and regions, with tens of thousands of products...

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  • Party Building Leadership】Xinsong Medical Party Branch carries out the theme party day activity of "Revisiting Industrial History and Continuing the Spirit of Struggle" and visits China Industrial Museum.


    In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in-depth study of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the new era to promote the comprehensive revitalization of the Northeast Symposium on the spirit of the important speeches and important speeches on the revitalization and development of the Northeast, Liaoning, and the spirit of the instructions, the use of Liaoning's "six places" of the red cultural resources in-depth development of the party's nature of education, on July 5, Shenyang Xinsong Ltd. Party branch of all party members and active...

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  • New Song Medical Invites You to Medlab Asia & Asia Health 2024, Thailand's International Medical Device, Equipment & Laboratory Exhibition


    It is our great honor to invite you to join us at Medlab Asia & Asia Health 2024, Thailand's international medical device, equipment and laboratory exhibition. This exhibition brings together the world's leading medical technology products and solutions, and is an excellent platform for exploring the latest trends in the industry, exchanging cutting-edge technologies and expanding the international market. Xinsong Medical will bring its innovative products and solutions to...

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