

Opening Ceremony of the Internship Ceremony of "Tohoku University School of Medicine and Engineering, Intelligent Medical Engineering Program, Class 2101, 2024" was successfully held.

News Center 1184





▲Professor Wang Zhiqiong spoke at the opening ceremony.

Professor Wang Zhiqiong, assistant dean of Northeastern University School of Medicine and Engineering, recognized and thanked the efforts and achievements made by Xinsong Medical Company for the university-enterprise cooperation in the past 2 years. Professor Wang introduced the development history of the School of Medicine and Engineering, the scale of school running, and the construction of majors, etc., and from the perspective of talent cultivation and employment demand, and combined with the direction of the development of majors, he pointed out to all of us the importance of internship and practical training.She emphasized that internship training is an important part of the teaching process, which is of great significance to improve your social adaptability and smooth career choice and employment. I hope that students can cherish the opportunity of internship training, clear objectives, digest and apply professional theory in the internship, combine with the learned professional knowledge to think more, record more, do more, more brain, contribute their wisdom to the enterprise, and lay a good and firm foundation for their future development.

After the ceremony, General Manager Huang Yong accompanied the leaders and students of the School of Medicine and Engineering to visit the intelligent factory and the site of internship training of Xinsong Medical Respiratory Rehabilitation Industrialization Base.

▲ Group photo of school and enterprise leaders and students

The opening of this internship provides a learning platform for the 2101 students of the Intelligent Medicine Program in the College of Medical Engineering to closely connect with the cutting-edge technology in healthcare, in which theAs an excellent respiratory rehabilitation solution provider in the industry, XSM will give full play to the advantages of the enterprise, provide more opportunities and space for students' internship, practical training and employment, and promote the in-depth integration of the school's industry-university-research system, so as to truly realize the good atmosphere of school participation, enterprise participation, social participation and student participation.

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